It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here. The last months of 2020 were a bit overwhelming for me. I also was a bit unmotivated. Maybe I was just waiting to see the end of the year. Or maybe I just needed a break from the Internet, and to spend more time with my loved ones during these unknown times. I say it’s okay to take as much time as you want to clear your mind or reset.
But reflecting back on those last few months and to give an update, I’ve discovered new intentions that I’d like to bring with me to 2021!
It’s safe to say that 2020 had its crazy up and down moments. Intentions set for 2020 I’m sure were all over the place, either diverted or eliminated altogether. But who says 2021 won’t be the same, with or without a pandemic?
Because remember, life just happens, no matter how prepared we think we are for it. But that’s not say that I’m not excited about my newly discovered intentions, and what it means for my 2021. And that’s not to say you can’t think of a few to begin the new year with – who knows where it will take you?!
Time will tell!
Do you have intentions set for 2021?
As a guest speaker for a few virtual summits, I was able to interact with a few of the attendees. I heard stories that truly blew me away. I was like, “Wait, these people are true superheroes! I just met real life superheroes!” They all inspired me on a deeper level, to the point where unexpected intentions popped up continuously.
Here are a few:
*I intend to lead more from my heart than head.
*I intend to stop taking things so seriously and personal.
*I intend to be more open to failure.
*I intend to not only feel compassion but to sit with it, and analyze.
*I intend to spread more love.
I’m not usually one to set intentions at the beginning of a new year, or resolutions for that matter. They’ve always been a list of things I imagine floating in the air and at a far distance, blurry, maybe not even real or attainable. I suppose I relied more on just going with the flow of the year, and setting and achieving in the moment. Or having intentions just unfold completely on its own without me really knowing it until it actually makes an impact later.
But now that I have all of these unexpected intentions to think about and practice, I’m ready for these first few months of 2021 to explore them all! They feel more real than ever. If they fall through or take a different turn, it won’t be an utter disappointment. I’ll always look for the lesson or the intention it’s instead leading me towards that may suit better.
Also, intentions don’t have to be extravagant. Don’t ever underestimate the power of simplicity. For example, I intend to keep more in touch with my past college friend and rebuild that close connection. So, I recently made a phone call to her and it felt like we were back in one of our old dorm rooms laughing up a storm.
So how can you best create intentions for the New Year?
I encourage you to create intentions for 2021, but don’t view them as resolutions (direct goals that can lead to tough failures). Intentions should be fun and brighten your life, bringing positive transformation for the soul. Intentions are made to make you a better you inside, whatever that means to you.
Make a list if you’d like, but there’s absolutely no pressure or rush to “have it all figured out” now. Again, life happens and intentions will evolve.
To best create intentions, I’d say to not look for it so much, but rather feel it. The right intentions will most likely be brought to you rather than you bringing it to yourself. Just be sure to be open, explore, and discover as you flow through the year!
So get excited!
January 1, 2021